In 2017, the car of choice for most classic car tours and day trips is the Jaguar MK VII M. However I have finally bitten the bullet and upgraded to electronic ignition. This followed a three day trip to Shropshire during which the mighty VII M spluttered to a silence no less than four times. On one rather embarrassing occasion this happened in the packed car park at Ironbridge but thanks to a group of rather bewildered looking tourists the ton and a half of Jaguar was rolled into a parking space and out of the way. I’m just amazed that the car decided to conk out about 30 yards from possibly the only vacant space on a very busy spring weekend when Ironbridge was teeming with visitors. After much removing, filing, refitting and gap setting of points performed by Martin, my faithful fellow traveller/ navigator, who also happens to be a mechanic with forty years experience, we actually made it through the trip with the existing set and for a while, a spare set I had in the boot. These appeared to have come from a rather bad batch so were immediately binned. Just as a precaution, from the hotel the following morning, I ordered a new spare set just in case we needed an option, so many thanks to the fine people at Dingocroft (an excellent Land Rover spares outlet in Downley near High Wycombe) for sending them out toute de suite to arrive the next day. Anyway that set will now go into the series Land Rover spares box as the Jag now has a new electronic distributor fitted and although I haven’t driven very far with this set up, all seems to be working splendidly at the moment!